2012 VARSITY Football Schedule (1-0)

Striving to be 1-0 after we play Cedar Ridge on Friday

August 31-- Hendrickson (WIN 50-23)
September 7 @Cedar Ridge
September 14 @ Hays
September 21-- Del Valle
September 28-- Dripping Springs
October 5 @ Leander
October 12-- Marble Falls
October 19 @ Cedar Park
November 2-- Vandegrift
November 9 @ Vista Ridge

Currently 1-0 on the Season

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NOTE from Brandi

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Not sure if I should get your Raider hopes up- but I am going to post this anyway

I am doing this impulsively, but at this point, I don't care- I am excited:)

Yesterday, I received an email from Josh with this attachment. We have priced this with every thing you could possibly need to go with it at $6490.

So, I have to tell a cute storey- eventhough I know this is supposed to be about Raider Ball, not the coaches kids.

When I got the email, I called Jace up to look at it. His eyes got big and he said "wait- is this a tunnel"?? Except it was more like "wait... is this the tunNEL"
I said yes. Jace very excited "Cedar Park doesn't have a helemt on their tunnel.."

His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he said "JUDSON!! WE are going to look SO cool coming out of this one!!" I have never seen him so excited over a computer picture.

Now- we have to get it or the coaches kids will be very dissapointed!

LOL After that- they got motivated and ready for football. These are pictures just to show you how pathetic we are and that our lives are only about football. And yes- that is an ambulance next to the feild- that is for their injured players. Notice the lego tunnel and the lego bleachers.


I even have a video of them with ear muffs on (not posting it). 2 years ago, we were at Target and Jace saw some earmuffs- he begged for them. Knowing good and well that he wouldn't wear them, I told him no and he begged. So, not wanting to argue- I said ok. When we got home- he pulled out his players and then put on his earmuffs and started coaching his team. Come to find out- he wanted them so that he could have a "headset" like Josh's. How clever is that?

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