Hi Everyone.
Since I have added a shout box, I have realized that I am getting lots of questions, comments and such- which is GREAT and I love it. Somethings are easier explained in greater detail than in small increments on my shout box:)
I received a comment that I feel is particularly important to address:
Comment 1"I don't see any pictures of my cousin and friends. It'd be nice to see some pics and video clips of all the players. So I can see who's all taking the Raiders to playoffs and beyond!!:)
Comment 2"Yes I agree, It would Be nice To See Pictures Of freshman Too, Not Just Varsity Or JV, THANKS MUCH"
I happen to agree with you- I understand that you all want pictures of any and all groups. I do too!
History of my Blog:
When I started this blog in 2008, it was started specifically so that Josh's Grandpa and my own Grandpa and other family members could keep up with the Raiders. At the time, Josh's grandpa (who recently passed away), was unable to continue to come to our games. Living in Amarillo, he was very upset that he couldn't be a part of it all and I started this site for him.
The more I did, the more I wanted to do and I found myself throwing lots and lots of time into it and sometimes I would go to events that i really didn't have time to go to so that I could post pictures for Pop.
I didn't realize until later that when you googled Rouse Raiders-- that this website came up. So, while I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you Raiders get on here and view my blog, please keep in mind that this blog is mostly for family- for you guys too, but the motivation behind it is for our families.
There is a Football Booster Club website that is in progress and I know they are looking for Freshman and JV parents to help run those pages. If you are interested in view more Freshman and JV pictures and you can help with that, please contact Bill Rogers and he can direct you as to how you can be a part of that. Because, like you, I think it would be great to get more of the
picts and stuff of the younger teams.
For now, this blog will continue to be about the
Varsity, but that is for time reasoning only. I care about ALL of the Raiders- Freshman and up and I think they are all equally as important. I may not be a paid Raider staff member, but I have watched and even helped my husband build this program from nothing. I was there when our stadium was dirt, so ALL of the athletes are important to me.
We have a son that just started Kindergarten and I am focusing more on him and his school this year, while still keeping up with this blog, which is important to me, but my own family is as well and I will not be going to as many Freshman or JV games as I did last year. When I do go, I assure you I will take photo's and some video.
Thank you for your understanding:)