For the second year in a row, our 2009 Fall Banquet was well organized, beautifully decorated, thanks to the banquet committee. Unfortunately for me, seeing that I am not on Josh's payroll, I wasn't allowed to make a speech, so with that I personally, have several people that I want to thank!
In no particular order:
1)Joe and Bertha Gadison and Brandon and Lisa Pelt for being amazing Sports Reps. You guys did an amazing job at getting things together for Josh, sometimes in a few hours notice. Thank you for pushing the HuttoFm - because of that, our families were all able to listen to our games- which is great. Oh and Jace REALLY wants to say thank you for pushing the tunnel. I have never seen a kid so pumped about something in my life. Only my child:)
2) Lisa Pelt- you have not only turned out to be my football buddy- but a great friend too. (I don't know ANYONE else that would put up with me talking about Jason and Sam nonstop:)and while I am at it- I guess I should thank Brandon and Josh too for not getting angry with me and Lisa for texting each other at 12am about our favorite 2 people. (and yes- our favorite 2 people are fictional:)
3) Linda Zarsky for orchestrating the entire banquet and thank you to your helpers as well- Ann Vise, Carey Nabb, Lisa Pelt, Liza Gonzales, Margerite Swilling and I know that I am leaving someone out and I am sorry!! Someone remind me who it is!!!
4)Liza Gonzales for taking care of our amazing program. It was great and thank you for taking the time to help me with the Lady Raider Football Camp packet you spent a LOT of time helping me when I know you needed to be taking care of other stuff. Thank you.
4) Bill and Deanna Rogers- THANK YOU for taking over the Concession stand. I can't believe I am saying this, but the nachos were the BEST that I have ever tasted in a concession stand. PLUS, it was professional, and well ran. Thank you mostly for taking on the project when no one else would and spending so much time behind the counter- I know you missed a lot of game watching, but I am grateful that I was able to keep my kids hydrated and well fed:)
5) Liz Boyles and Rhea Unger for taking over the Spirit wear. I KNOW better than anyone that SW is NOT an easy task, but I have to say that you both did an amazing job and I LOVED everything that you purchased. You both deserve a HUGE thank you for taking on that project.
6) Chad Taylor for standing on the sidelines at every game and snapping pictures. WOW, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of them. Nothing is better than action shots and you took great ones! I know you likely would have liked to sit in the stands and actually watch a game, but we really appreciate all that you did!
7)The Raider Mom's Gang! WE kicked butt with our signs and I hope to keep up with this tradition next year!!
8) The RHSABC Board Members- I know it was a rough start, and we are only halfway through the year, but you have managed to turned this BC around and the result has been fascinating!!Board members: Ed Butts, David Price, Scott Jacobs, Kim Zauzig,and Keith Stewart. I don't envy you- you have tough jobs, but I do appreciate you!!
9)The Coaching Staff!! Without you, and your players, I wouldn't have anyone to thank!! You have wonderful families and thank you, thank you for choosing to come with us to Rouse. I can't say that I have ever been a part of a better coaching staff as a whole. We kick butt and have fun! and if I haven't said this a million times, we have the BEST staff and I would put our up against any other coaching staff in the state of Texas. Our staff includes ALL the coaches- not just football- both the guys and girls staff are wonderful.
10)Gerald Spencer and Joe Gadison for doing the HuttoFM announcing! You are a great team and both give a different angle on the game. Its great and I hope you continue to do it next season!!
11) The guys that set up the tunnel and lug it back and forth at all the games. Our tunnel is beautiful, but without you- we couldn't set it up!!
12) ALL of the Player and Parents- thank you for being such great people. I know I can get on a soap box sometimes when it comes to being a fan in the stands, but you are all great and I don't have a lot to complain about. You are all truly amazing people with amazing kids and I have enjoyed getting to know all of you. And I am looking forward to meeting more of you and learning new names and faces next season. I hope that by year 4- I will know everyone!
13) Anyone that I left out- I am sure I will edit this a gazillion times in the next few hours because I will remember someone that I left out- so if you did something and didn't get thanked- don't fear- I will remember you and add you to this list- it just might take me a few days:)
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