So, apparently my blog stalker from Liberty Hill REALLY wants me to post about the Liberty Hill and Rouse game.
SO, Mr. Liberty Hill Blog stalker Person, this post is for you:) (by the way, I REALLY do love that you read my blog. I think its pretty cool to see other school's get on here:) But it would be really cool if you actually signed in and used a name, besides guest. At least this way I would know whom I was "speaking" to.
Anyhow, so here goes:
This is a difficult game to write about. I really don't know how to put it into words, so bear with me because this might not come out right AND furthermore, just so we are all on the same page, this is MY blog, I write it and not a single word comes out of the mouth of Josh- and if it does, I always use quotations
It was a tough loss, and we gave the game away. Not intentionally, but we made inexcusable mistakes that you just can't make in Varsity football games.
Liberty Hill is a good team and they will likely make it to the playoff's this year, but that doesn't mean we were not good.
The score way 34-14, true, but the score really makes it sound worse than what it was. This was NOT a blowout game by any means. We were driving the ball into Liberty Hill territory, but we got a Personal Foul and that was unfortunate because 1) that is just dumb and 2) we would most likely have scored on that play.
And then they scored with like 30 seconds left, which I thought was a bit unclassy, but then again, its football and that's part of it:) I just thought they should have taken a knee since they were obviously going to win.
*** EDIT-
(I have been informed that they did take a knee with 30 seconds left, and that they scored with a minute and thirty left on the clock. OK, so I was wrong, but I never claimed to be a sports columnist, so I am not too proud to admit when I have made a mistake. This is what I get for waiting 6 days after the game to write the post. Either way, I think the TD at the end was over the top.)
But there is NO sense in focusing on the negatives. We learned a LOT from this game and hopefully when we play Bryan Rudder, it will show.
Wesley Lewis had an AMAZING one handed catch that made all of the Centex newpapers and news reports. It also make High School Scorebeard.I have never seen anything like it. It was by far the most amazing catch I have seen in HS Football.
By the way- did you guys know that Wesley is #6 in the state as a punter?
We are going to be good. I truly believe that. We are going to have a shot at winning some games and we theoretically, I my opinion, we should have beat Liberty Hill. We played like freaks when we scrimmaged Harker Heights- who goes to the playoffs annually and who also is a 5A team. Liberty Hill was good, but not as fast as Harker.
At least we played a legitimately GOOD team for our first game and didn't play a team that is horrible. I would rather get beat by a good team that is known for going deep into the playoffs, than BEAT a team who never wins:) ha
I have some video- but it takes forever to upload, so I will do it later this weekend:)
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